From Dust till Dawn (Chapter three)
With works by Frank Halmans, Wouter Huis and Daisy Madden-Wells.
NOV.25. – FEB.25.2023
Opening on Friday 25th November, 19:00 – 23:00
The Balcony, Den Haag
Nieuwe Molstraat 14-A2
2512BK, The Hague
With the third chapter of The Balcony’s inaugural program The Promise of Ruin(s), the attention shifts on the domestic space that, far from being a safe place, is not exempt from the grip of capitalism. From vacuum cleaners to vinyl players, kitsch and decorations are a mirror of ourselves and our identity, free subjects in the free market. To quote Richard Hamilton: “Just what is it that makes today’s homes so different, so appealing?”
Dust is often seen as dirt, an unwanted sign of passing time, a contamination of boredom and decay upon the world of the living. In the words of cultural historian Celeste Olalquiaga:
“Dust is the most tangible aspect of the new historical time, a thin patina of shattered moments remaining after the frenzy of multiplication has subsided or moved away.”
Walter Benjamin, in his writing Dream Kitsch (1927) associates vanished dreams with the colourless state of dust covering forgotten objects. Dust is the added value of time upon matter, where “faded dreams and touch intersect”.
more information: https://thebalconythehague.com/
ONTHULLING: Disclaimer @ beeldenpark Odapark Venray
The Revelation: Disclaimer @ sculpturepark Odapark Venray
Zondag / Sunday 3.04.2022 13:30 – 17:30
link: https://www.odapark.nl/
EXPOSITIE 23/01/22
L’Étalage, Malpertuisplein 44, Maastricht
23 januari – 20 februari
In L’Étalage presenteert Wouter Huis het werk I AM AWAITING YOUR RESPONSE.
In de loop der jaren verzamelde en archiveerde Huis de titels van spam-mails die, met lichte aanpassingen, samenkomen in dit videowerk. Deze teksten hebben een paradoxale sfeer om zich heen. Ze confronteren je met problemen en onzekerheden en bieden je tegelijkertijd hulp en remedies voor de problemen. “Voel je je zwak en hulpeloos in kunst? Kunst zal uw probleem oplossen!” Door het woord “Kunst” in de regels te veranderen en toe te voegen, creëert Huis een nieuwe betekenis, samen met een nieuwe interpretatie van de titels. Hiermee zinspeelt hij op de dubbelzinnige rol van kunst in een maatschappij die gedijt op consumentisme. Huis stelt met dit werk vragen en reflecteert tegelijkertijd. De enige zekerheid is nu dat dit werk online zal blijven groeien en zich zal centreren rond en binnen een bepaald moment in tijd en ruimte in L’Étalage.
You can find my (photo)work in a series of photo-advertisements in Metropolis M, H-art, de Witteraaf and now also in the Tubelight magazine! The series consists of an auto-selection of photographs taken within the last (two)years in and around the city of Heerlen (nl).
- #OUTNOW: advertisement in Tubelight Magazine
During the Cultura Nova festival, 14 empty shop premises in the centre of Heerlen will provide the backdrop for Night Shift – a project featuring 14 presentations at the intersection of theatre and visual arts by artist collective RaTSMoDee.
The Night Shift project follows the rhythm of day and night, creating different perspectives on the works: the use of light and darkness connects the 14 presentations. Every location is different; sometimes you will find remnants of an interior, at others a discontinued renovation or an empty white space. All these factors influence the work that is created and how it is experienced.
Night Shift is at the intersection of theatre and visual art. Theatre does not portray real facts, but fictional ones. The aim of such constructions and reconstructions is often to present different nuances. RaTSMoDee adopts a similar and poetic approach: Night Shift can be seen as the antithesis of everyday reality in the city centre of Heerlen.
location: city centre of Heerlen
date: 27.08.2021 – 05.09.2021
open: daily from 12:00-24:00
opening: Friday 27.08.2021 , 12:00-24:00
artist(s): Dyane Donk, Gerard Koek, Gert-Jan Prins, Griet Menschaert, Harry van Boxtel, Iris Bouwmeester, Joséphine Kaeppelin, Karin Arink, Laurent Malherbe, Mikica Andrejic, Peter Bouwmans, Priscila Fernandes, Renée Kool, Rune Peitersen, Sabine de Graaf, TEKENKINGZ, Wouter Huis / curated by: collectief Ratsmodee, Laurent Malherbe
link: https://mappingheerlen.greylightprojects.org/map/night-shift/
Limburg Biennale 2020, Marres Maastricht
From September 5 to November 15, Marres launches the first Limburg Biennale
with: …. among many others.
more information: www.marres.org
De Nacht (The night) @ de Warande in Turnhout
with: Nel Aerts, Fred Bervoets, John Bijnens, David Claerbout, Felix De Cercq, Bieke Depoorter en Mattias De Craene, Danny Devos, Brecht Evens, Joris Ghekiere, Soham Gupta, Hugo Heyrman, Wouter Huis, Pieter Jennes, Natasja Kensmil, Saul Leiter, Frans Masereel, Laetitia Molenaar, Andreas Mühe, Hans Op de Beeck, Thomas Ruff, Stefan Serneels, George Shiras, Ben Sledsens, Helmut Smits, Leon Spilliaert, Frank Theys, Dennis Tyfus, Nele Van Canneyt, Fik Van Gestel, Jan Van Imschoot, Johannes Vogl, Peter Waterschoot, Kohei Yoshiyuki, among others.
01.07.2020 tot 13.12.2020
more information: https://www.warande.be/
Le Petit Cercle Bruxellois
A long term exhibition of Brussels artists, changing every now and then at A.VE.NU.DE.JET.TE – INSTITUT DE CARTON
Opening Friday 19 April 18-21h Open on Saturdays 14 – 18h
Avenue de Jette 41, Brussels
#institutdecarton #avenuedejette #groupshow #brusselsartists
Current Residents and Associates
The open studios weekend of Greylight Projects Brussels
Participating artists: Mélanie Berger, Edith Bories, John Ryan Brubaker, Claude Cattelain, Kathi Seebeck, Mountain Cutters, Marc Buchy, Marcin Dudek, Wouter Huis, Jannis Marwitz, Rune Peitersen, Emmanuel Van der Auwera, Sam van Gils & Nicolas Lamas
date: 26.04.2019 – 28.04.2019
opening: Friday 26.04.2019 , 17:00 – 21:00
opening hours: Sat, Sun , 11:00 – 18:00
location: 11 Rue Brialmont
1210 Brussels (city centre)
Metro: 2, 6, Botanique stop
Tram: 92, 93, Botanique stop
Bus: 61, Botanique stop
Er is hoop (#Heerlen)
It will all dissapear in time, flag planted on destruction side, Heerlen 2019
commisioned bij Kantoor Contour / Dear Hunter
link to a short video registration
Re: Out of office reply
for the coming months i will change my studio to the vacant exhibition spaces at Netwerk in Aalst. date: September till December 2018 link: www.netwerkaalst.be more information will follow visits requests: please email studio@wouterhuis.com
”, ”, ”, — Footnotes
Exhibition and performances March 10, 2018 – March 25, 2018
”, ”, ”, — Footnotes is the third in a series of experimentally designed exhibition formats. The show traces the act of copying as an omnipresent yet often invisible artistic practice at the intersection of the digital realm and analog world. As part of the arts-based research project originalcopy—Post-Digital Strategies of Appropriation, the exhibition serves as a test setting and working model for a re-evaluation of the dichotomy of original and copy from a post-digital perspective. Despite its culminating character as the third in a row of three events ”, ”, ”, — Footnotes is only conceived as a temporary manifestation, one in a series of possible manifestation forms. With three openings on three consecutive evenings, resulting in three modulated and reformulated exhibitions, the aim of this public reflection upon methodology is to define a realm of thought where current practices of copying are collected and presented and where their modalities can be analyzed by subjecting the copy itself to the act of copying.
Participants: Sebastian Gärtner, Ane Mette Hol, Wouter Huis, Joséphine Kaeppelin, Michael Kargl, Nika Kupyrova, Willem Oorebeek, Lisa Rastl, Stefan Riebel
Curated by: Franz Thalmair
Opening I: March 7, 2018 | 6:00 pm
Opening II: March 8, 2018 | 4:00 pm
Opening III: March 9, 2018 | 2:00 pm
Location: WIELS | Contemporary Art Centre Av. Van Volxemlaan 354 1190 Brussels Belgium
CARTE BLANCHE Contributions 2015 – 2017
140 contributions au 27 novembre 2017 HORAIRES : ven, sam, dim 14-19h HEURES DE VERNISSAGE : 20h LOCATION: Showroom, 21 avenue du Prado, 13006 Marseille SITE INTERNET: http://www.salondusalon.com
open studio @ Greylight Projects
Current Residents and Associates
Exhibition: Curator Exquis – an exhibition by fifteen curators with fifteen artist
Artists: Lia Cecchin, Camila Farina, Florian Kiniques, Birgit Knoechl, Marieke Coppens, Ben Kaufmann, Gilles Ribero, Anne Lise Le Gac, Ricardo Vaneyk, Marianne Mispelaëre, among others…
Curated by: Lucrezia Calabrò Visconti, Margaux Bonopera, Gatien Du Bois, Franz Thalmair, Lene ter Haar, Sophie Lapalu, Ben Kaufman, Charlotte Van Buylaere, Septembre Tiberghien, Pauline Hatzigeorgiou, Nienke Vijlbrief, Marie DuPasquier , Padraic E. Moore, Karin Schlageter, Charlotte Crevits
Exhibition: Parallel Placings, a double presentation by Laurent Malherbe and Gerard Koek.
Private Installation, Sculpture Project for Billboard
A new work by Thomas Bernardet
Open Studios : Mélanie Berger, Amélie Bouvier, Edith Bories, John Ryan Brubaker, Marc Buchy, Marcin Dudek, Wouter Huis, Joséphine Kaeppelin, Rune Peitersen, Emmanuel van der Auwera, Nicolas Lamas, Kathi Seebeck.
Dates and opening times:
• Opening: Wednesday 18 April / 17:00 – 22:00
• Open hours and days: Thursday 19 – Sunday 22 April from 10:00 – 18:00
• Brunch: Saturday 21 April from 11:00.
Greylight Projects Brussels
Rue de Brialmont 11
1210 Saint-Josse-Ten-Noode / Brussels
Metro 2/6 – Tram 92/93 : stop Botanique
The Others Art Fair – Torino (IT)

Possible Drawing, 2010-2017 by Wouter Huis
“The Others, the experimental fair dedicated to international contemporary art, is coming back to Turin from November 2nd to November 5th. The fair will take place at the former hospital Regina Maria Adelaide, a fascinating historical building in the heart of Borgo Rossini, along the Dora River banks.”
Greylight Projects will be presenting works by Amelie Bouvier, Marc Buchy and Wouter Huis.
opening: 2 november 20:00
dates: 2-5 november 2017
location: Lungo Dora Firenze, 87, Torino (IT)
more information: www.theothersfair.com
made possible by: Flanders state of the art
Screening: Dry Run, a portrait of a studio
at Pulse#17 / Arnhem (nl)
opening: 3/06 from 16:00
part of the exhibition Pulse #17
with works by Sema Bekirovic, Voebe de Gruyter, Justin Gosker, Reinaart Vanhoe, Geert van der Schaaf, Lisa Vieten and Wouter Huis among others.
location: Oldenbarneveldtstraat 92-A, Arnhem (NL)
more information: http://www.omstand.nl/news/pulse-17-van-3-tm-25-mei-opening-zaterdag-3-juni-vanaf-16-00-uur/
Artist in residence at TimeLab Ghent
From may 2017 i will work as guest artist at TimeLab in Ghent.
More information may follow.
link: www.timelab.org
Current Residents & Associates
– Open studios with: Amelie Bouvier, Chloe Malcotti, Edith Bories, Emmanuel van der Auwera, John Ryan Brubaker , Kathi Seebeck (& Hedvig Koertz), Marc Buchy, Marcin Dudek, Melanie Berger, Michiel Huijben, Rune Peitersen and Wouter Huis
– Exhibition with works by Bas Schevers, Aukje Koks, Ramon Graefenstein, Morgane Fourey, Claude Cattelain, Elias Heuninck, Egon van Herreweghe, Noemie Bablet and Voebe de Gruyter
– Screening program in The Chapel: OUT OF THE BLUE
vernissage: Wednesday, 19 April 17:00 – 21:00
brunch: Saturday, 22 April 11:00 – 13:00
open: Thursday 20.04 till Sunday 23.04 / 10:00 – 18:00 (and by appointment)
location: Greylight Projects – Rue Brialmont 11, 1210 Brussels
Maart Kunstroute Waregem
a groupshow with Emmanuel Van der Auwera, Wouter Huis, Ariane Loze, buren (Oshin Albrecht & Melissa Mabesoone) en KristinnPeter PeterKristinn among others.
curated by: Charlotte Crevits & Stéphanie Vandenecker
opening: Friday 24/03 – 18:30
location: CC de Schakel (Schakelstraat 8, 8790, Waregem)
link: https://www.facebook.com/maartkunstroutewaregem
Exhibition: Cet Obscur Objet du Désir
A residu-presentation after a residency period at N+1
curated by: Sammy Ben Yakoub
opening: Saturday 18/02
date: 18/02 – 11/03
open: Thursday – Saturday / 14:00-18:00
(If you would like to pass by any other moment then the opening times:
feel free to send me a message for a visit. I would be glad to meet up for a tour.)
location: Cas-Co Leuven, Vaartstraat 94, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
link: www.cas-co.be

installation view
participating artists: Mélanie Berger, Edith Bories, Amélie Bouvier, John Ryan Brubaker, Marc Buchy, Marcin Dudek, Wouter Huis, Joséphine Kaeppelin, Marion Menan, Rune Peitersen, Stéfan Piat, Kathi Seebeck and Emmanuel Van der Auwera.
curated by: Septembre Tiberghien
location: Greylight Projects / Rue Brialmont 11, 1210, Brussels
opening: Thursday, January 19th / 18:00-22:00
date: 20 January – 12 February
open: Thursday-Saturday, 14:00 – 18:00
link: www.greylightprojects.org

installation view
BORG 2016
location: Antwerp, Belgium
with: André Catalão, Saddie Choua, Scot Cotterell, Katinka de Jonge, Eleanor Duffin, Vesna Faassen & Lukas Verdijk, From Me To You, Kristinn Guðmundsson & Peter Sattler, Adrijana Gvozdenović, Wouter Huis, Seungjo Jeong, Céline Mathieu & Christophe Clarijs, Alireza Mosaffa, Karen Moser, Vijai Patchineelam, Ramon Pino Hernandez, Kiah Reading, Annesofie Sandal, Sorry Sorry, Philippe Van Damme, Tim Van Ham, Guus van der Velden, Saskia Van der Gucht, Ersi Varveri, Ina Wudtke
date: September 2 – September 11
more information: www.borg2016.be
Residency at Frans Masereel Centre
location: Kasterlee, Belgium
date: 15/08/2016 – 2/08/2016
more information: www.fransmasereelcentrum.be
Hotel Europa
location: Concordia, Enschede, Netherlands
date: August 28 – October 9 2016
showing: Dry Run, a portrait of a studio
more information: www.concordia.nl
La Nuit de l’Instant
location: Marseille
with: Elina Brotherus, Marie Chéné et Didier Nadeau, Aliette Cosset, Edwin Cuervo, Jérémy Deller, Rebekka Deubner, Cyril Galmiche, Sabrina Guichard, Nan Goldin*, Wouter Huis, Park Junbeom, Sanggil Kim, Byung Jun Kwon, Ilanit Illouz, Marc Lathuilière, Inès Lion, André Lozano, Fabrice Lauterjung, Randa Maroufi, Min Oh, Jaye Rhee*, Adrien Selbert, Shin Sung-Hawn*, Jérémy Setton, Philippe Terrier-Hermann, Yangachi, Seung Youn Lee
date: 13.05.2016 – 14.05.2016
more information: www.lanuitdelinstant.tumblr.com/
Current Residents and associates
location: Greylight Projects / Brussels
Exhibition with Thomas Bakker, Thomas Bernardet, Claude Horstmann, Perrine Lacroix, Donya Saed, Sammy Ben Yakoub / Open studios with Mélanie Berger, Amélie Bouvier, John Ryan Brubaker, Marc Buchy, Marcin Dudek, Wouter Huis, Joséphine Kaeppelin, Helena Lemonnier, Marion Menan, Kathi Seebeck, Anastasia Starikova, Nicolas van Kerkhove
opening: 20.04.2016 /17:00 – 21:00
date: 21.04.2016 – 24.04.2016 / 10:00 – 18:00
more information: www.greylightprojects.org
location: Woluwe parc / Brussels
Exhibition with Elodie Antoine, Tanya Atanasova, Thomas Van Walle, Nathalie Auzepy, Clemens Behr, Annie Brasseur, Charley Case, Eva Clouard, Sara Conti, Marion Fabien, Marine Hardeman, Wouter Huis, Virginie Huyghebaert, Mireille Liénard, Sylvie Macias-Diaz, François Marcadon, Ludovic Mennesson, Esteban Moulin, Tinka Pitoors, Marion Ponsard, Clara Vulliez, Julie Savoye, Ronja Schlickmann, Pascale Marthine Tayou, Laurent Trezegnies, Patrick Van Roy, Katleen Vinck, Cathy Weyders, Thierry Verbeeck et Elodie Wysocky.
date: 17.04.2016 – 17.07.2016
more information: www.partcours-parkunst.com